Ventilator Machine: is the machine designed to move breathing air into and out of the lungs, to provide breathing for patient who is physical unable to breath or breathing insufficiently.


There are two categories of ventilator in which ventilator machine is applied,


These devices provide breathing support through an external interface such as a mask or nasal prongs.


Patients on long term ventilation may require ventilation through an endotracheal tube inserted through the mouth or nose or through a tracheotomy tube inserted into an incision in the neck.

1. airway pressure is limited (avoid barotrauma)

2. maximum inspiratory pressure is set at about 30-35 cmH2O, especially helpful in patients with ARDS

3. allows application of extended inspiratory time, which may benefit patients with severe oxygenation problems

4. usually reserved for patients who have poor results with a conventional ventilation strategy of volume ventilation
1. periodic volume or pressure targeted breaths occur at set interval (time triggering)

2. between mandatory breaths, the patient breathes spontaneously at any desired baseline pressure without receiving a mandatory breath

3. in patient triggered breaths, the patient only gets volume that they get with spontaneous breath
operates in the same way as IMV EXCEPT that mandatory breaths are normally patient triggered, rather than time triggered.

Operator sets the volume or pressure target and mandatory breaths are synchronized with the patient

As in IMV, the patient can breathe spontaneously through the ventilator circuit between mandatory breaths
1. occurs when the ventilator detects a decreasing flow which represents the end of inspiration

2. the point is a percentage of peak flow measured during inspiration

3. no single flow-cycle percentage is right for all patients 

4. example of a low parentage might be 17%
example of a high percentage might be 57%


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