▪ The general term Endoscope describes any device that has a tube that can be inserted into an opening in the body, either natural (mouth) or surgical, for the purpose of viewing structures inside the body.

▪ Endoscopes may also have the capacity to supply fluids such as saline solutions for irrigating sites to provide a clearer view, suction to remove the irrigation and other fluids, an air channel for insufflation, and a channel that can allow the entry of special instruments for doing various procedures inside the body.

📌 Endoscopes are divided into rigid or flexible types,


Rigid endoscopes consist of a tube, usually made of stainless steel, which contains fiber optics, a series of lenses, and one or more open passages.


Flexible endoscopes carry both illumination and visualization light through fiber optics, which allows the flexibility in their name. Flexibility allows the scopes to pass around corners to reach the object of observation; it also means that flexible scopes can be much longer than rigid scopes.

▪ Flexible endoscopes generally carry markings on the outside to indicate depth of insertion. Some models have special mechanisms operated by cables that allow the operator to turn the end portion of the scope in different directions. Otherwise, flexible scope function is similar to that of rigid scopes.

▪ Some flexible scopes mount directly onto the light source, which makes video and other connections simpler and more effective. Viewing images from such scopes is done via video monitors rather than direct eyepieces


1. Light Source
2. Camera
3. Video Recorder/Storage
4. Video Monitor
5. Insufflator
6. Irrigation And Suction
7. Tools
8. Video Printer
9. Co2 Cylinders
10. Series Of Lenses system
11. Fiber Optic Strands
12. Hand controls Knob
13. Eyepiece in modern system


Some types of endoscopes, with their target areas and insertion points, include the following:

📌 Arthroscope—Joints such as knees; surgical incision

📌 Bronchoscopes—Trachea and upper bronchial passages; mouth or nose

📌 Colonoscopes —Colon; anus

📌 Colposcope — Vagina and uterus; vagina

📌 Cystoscope — Bladder and urinary tract; urethra

📌 Gastroscope —Esophagus, stomach, and sometimes upper small intestine (duodenum); mouth

📌 Laparoscope —various abdominal organs; surgical incision

📌 Proctoscope —Rectum and lower (sigmoid) colon; anus

📌 Sigmoidoscope — Sigmoid colon; anus

📌  Thoracoscope—Organs of the thorax, including the pleura (outer covering of the lungs) and pericardium (outer covering of the heart); surgical incision


The functions of endoscopy fall under three categories as follow

1⃣ Investigation:

to see if patient is experiencing vomiting, abdominal pain, breathing disorder, gastrointestinal bleeding, and stomach ulcers.

2⃣ Confirmation:

Endoscopy can also be used for the removal of small section of tissue in order to confirm a diagnosis of cancer or other disease.  

3⃣ Treatment:

Endoscopy can be used directly to treat illness like cauterize a bleeding vessel or remove a polyp.


Endoscopic are used for
📌 Gastrointenstinal tract
📌 Respiratory tract
Ear (otoscope)
📌 Urinary tract (cystoscopy)
📌 Female reproductive tract (gynoscopy)
📌 Abdominal or Pelvic Cavity


There is certain risk that associated with the uses of endoscopy instrument

📌 Over sedation

📌 Mild cramping

📌 Feeling boated for short period of time after procedure

📌 Infection in the area of investigation

📌 Perforation or tear of the lining wall of stomach

📌 Internal bleeding

📌 Chest pain & fever

📌 Persistence pain in the area of endoscopy
Redness and swelling at the incision site.



Flush, rinse, dry and disinfect endoscope after every use. Remove any tape, paper or foreign body from equipment.
Perform leak test as per manufacturers guidelines, making sure water resistant cap is in place. Unplug light source, clean with damp cloth and dry off


📌 Check all accessories and fittings are properly connected.

📌 Check there are no signs of damage to the flexible tube.

📌 Store in correct packaging for protection.
Inspect optics for cloudiness, foreign bodies or dark spots

📌 Check sturdiness of trolley if used
If any plug, cable or socket is damaged, replace it with appropriate size.


📌 Check operation of controls and tubes before use

📌 Check proper operation of all controls, indicators and lamps


If No fluid flow or suction through scope. The possible cause can be Blocked air / water nozzle.
Press fluid valve and flush Clean and lubricate valve.

▪Leakage in flexible endoscope. The possible cause can be Tears or cut in flexible shaft
Check an make sure all endoscopy joint are well fix to avoid linkage

▪ Fluid invasion like Image stains, Foggy images, Electrical malfunction. The possible cause can be Water or other fluids in dry parts of flexible scope due to holes, tears or improper cleaning.
The solution is to Perform leak test after every procedure if any fluid invasion occurs.

▪ Picture is cloudy or with dark spots, the causes can be as a result of Build up of matter on the distal lens or broken fibres in cable.
Clean the lens with an alcohol wipe. If these significantly affect use/ replace the fibre in case if it broken

▪ Light not functioning. May be Bulb blown, Fuse blown or No power from socket.
Replace bulb with correct type, Replace fuse with correct rating, Check power switch is on. Check mains power is present at socket using equipment known to be working. Contact electrician for rewiring if power not present

▪ Instruments do not pass easily through the biopsy / access channel. May be forceps and brushes Damaged.
Possible solution is to flush channel through. Check for burrs and nicks by rubbing a gloved hand over all surfaces of the accessory

▪ Electrical shocks. The possible be wrong Wiring connection fault.
The best solution is to fellow the manufacture specification on wring system

▪ Endoscopy cannot freely bend to the degree specified; this may be due to Over-bending portion of scope fluid invasion.
Avoid force bending of endoscopy instrument

Ibrahim S Usman
Biomedical Technician


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